
Negotiating bodies

Adult social care negotiating body

  • Currently

    There is no uniformity of pay across the adult social care sector. Pay must be subject to the National Minimum Wage legislation but there are no further sector wide agreements on pay beyond any collectively bargained agreements with particular trade unions and employers.

  • What will change?

    The ERB gives the Government new powers to establish a sector-wide negotiating body: the Adult Social Care Negotiating Body. This body will comprise of representatives of employers and unions within the sector but not the Secretary of State. However, the Secretary of State will then ratify agreements which the negotiating body make so that these agreements are then reflected in the terms and conditions of workers across the sector and are binding on all employers.

  • When will the change come into force?

    We are awaiting consultations on its proposals and then once the ERB is passed, we expect regulations and codes of practice. There are still many issues to be drilled down, not least the issue of who will be the representative bodies and how providers will meet any agreed pay deal without increased funding.

  • Other documentation

Pay and conditions of school support staff in England

  • Currently

    There is no pay body which negotiates the pay of school support staff. They are employed on terms and conditions set out by the National Joint Council for Local Government Services. Support staff therefore do not currently have a direct voice into the negotiations and agreement of their terms and conditions.

  • What will change?

    The ERB will establish a School Support Staff Negotiating Body, with a remit in relation to pay, terms and conditions of employment, training, and career progression of school support staff in England. ‘School support staff’ is defined as persons employed in maintained schools and academies in England who are not qualified teachers or persons of descriptions prescribed in regulations. The body itself will comprise of employee and employer representatives, a representative from the Secretary of State and an independent chair.

  • When will it change?

    We await regulations to name the relevant representative bodies and to provide further definition of ‘support staff’. Prior to that there will be a period of consultation with the TUC and wider. Regulations will also be produced regards the transfer of any agreements made within this body to be included in individual contracts.

  • Other documentation