
Meet our team / Elizabeth Massey

Elizabeth Massey


Solicitor in the regulatory team

My role

I am a solicitor in the regulatory team, assisting in providing advice and support on a range of regulatory issues.

My experience

I joined Anthony Collins upon completing my LLB in Law with Canadian Law at The University of Nottingham. I worked as a legal assistant in the matrimonial team, assisting on matters including divorce, finances, domestic violence and private childcare arrangements.

I during my training contract, I completed seats in housing management, private client and Court of Protection and regulatory.

In my current role, I help to support clients on a range of regulatory issues for education, health and social care and social housing sectors.

My latest insights

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My latest articles

Regulatory round-up: care and housing prosecutions update 2023
Regulatory round-up: care and housing prosecutions update 2023

We continue to keep track of recent prosecutions by both...

Dementia Action Week
Dementia Action Week

Dementia currently affects 1 in 14 people in the UK. Many...