
Meet our team / Kirsty Duxbury

Kirsty Duxbury


Associate in the governance, funding and corporate team

My role

I am an associate based in the charity governance team. I was appointed deputy registrar of the diocese of Blackburn in 2021 and appointed registrar of the diocese of Worcester in 2022. I act for bishops and diocesan boards of finance. I also assist clergy, PCCs and churchwardens. I advise on a range of matters including clergy appointments, ordinations, faculties, pastoral reorganisation, safeguarding, clergy discipline and marriage law.

My experience

Prior to joining Anthony Collins Solicitors I trained at a firm in the North West where I spent almost 10 years developing a specialism in ecclesiastical law. I also spent a number of years specialising in employment and HR law. My work now focuses on charity and ecclesiastical law with the majority of my time spent supporting the Church of England at diocesan level.

I enjoy the variety of work I am exposed to as diocesan registrar and have a passion for ecclesiastical law. I am a member of the ecclesiastical law Association and the ecclesiastical law society.

My specialisms

  • Churches and faith based charities
  • Charity law
  • Governance
  • Charitable property trusts
  • Employment and HR

My latest insights