
A new approach to tackling homelessness

Great Places Housing Group asked for the legal support needed to place people in permanent accommodation.

Homelessness is a major challenge for cities up and down the UK. But how should it be addressed? What’s the most effective way to end the vicious cycle that often causes people to be back on the streets?

In 2019, Greater Manchester trialled a new three-year pilot programme to provide permanent accommodation for people with multiple and complex needs who had experienced long-term recurrent periods of homelessness.

With this funding, our client Great Places Housing Group (Great Places) was chosen as the lead provider of the Greater Manchester Housing First partnership who, together with their delivery partners, have supported over 344 people with multiple and complex issues into homes of their own. We supported Great Places by putting together sub-contracts with the delivery partners, and a collaboration agreement drawing together all the parties working with Great Places to deliver the programme.

Negotiating agreements  

Following the successful pilot, Greater Manchester Combined Authority secured further funding from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to extend the programme into years four, five and six.

As we had supported on the original pilot, Great Places asked us to help negotiate the extension agreement for them and draft the agreements to be entered into between Great Places and their ten delivery partners. 

Safe and secure homes

Securing this additional funding has meant the Greater Manchester Housing First partnership can provide ongoing support for the individuals who are already housed, re-house remaining individuals and take new referrals.

Although the first stage of the pilot focused on helping individuals off the streets, this second stage prioritises their ongoing recovery and reintegration into the community with an emphasis on helping people create networks in their area so they can start the next chapter of their lives.

The numbers

  • 344 people cumulatively rehoused
  • 234 people rehoused for 6+ months
  • 79% tenancy sustainment
  • 325 people on the programme

(Stats taken from Greater Manchester Housing First)

Improving lives

Our team was perfectly placed to support Great Places due to our expert understanding of funding for local authorities and housing, and the related grant contracts.

We’re proud to have worked on this life-changing project as we can see the benefit it will have on our local community. It overlaps with the work we do for our health and social care clients who depend on programmes like this.

“In keeping with all our purpose-led commercial work, we are delighted that our input has helped the success of a programme which will benefit many vulnerable individuals and improve lives.”
Mark Cook, partner, Anthony Collins

“Thanks to the legal support of Anthony Collins it enabled Great Places to take on the role of the lead provider for the Greater Manchester Housing First partnership and hold the head contract with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Their help also supported us to work as a partnership developing the required contracting arrangements that has enabled us to work together and help so many homeless people into homes of their own across the region.”
Emily Cole, programme lead, Great Places


Mark Cook
0121 214 3636

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