Community Land Trusts are a key part of the housing landscape and the potential for them is huge. 
What is a Community Land Trust?

Community Land Trusts are not-for-profit, community-led housing organisations. They establish locally-owned solutions to housing issues, which lock in value for the benefit of their communities for the long-term. They are often set up and run by ordinary people to develop and manage homes as well as other things like community facilities and workspaces.

How we can help with Community Land Trusts

We have been supporting community-led housing development for over 25 years, supporting clients’ award-winning projects such as Witton Lodge Community Association in Birmingham, Granby Four Streets in Liverpool, and many others.

We share your values and believe that local ownership is a key part of communities making their own places better. We support community organisations with Community Land Trusts in all aspects of their formation, growth and developing new homes. Areas in which we are able to help you include:

  • advising on incorporation issues, including which legal structure would be best for your Community Land Trust, preparing the legal incorporation paperwork and dealing with incorporation and registration of your Community Land Trust;
  • supporting and advising on land acquisition and development agreements; and
  • advising on partnership working, including formal joint venture arrangements.

If we can help your Community Land Trust, then please contact us.


Sarah Patrice


Partner in the governance, funding and corporate team