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Events and webinars / VIRTUAL EVENT: Academy company secretary workshop 2024

VIRTUAL EVENT: Academy company secretary workshop 2024

Event time
Wednesday 23 October 2024
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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The cost of the session is £95 plus VAT per delegate. You will be invoiced following the event.

This three-hour workshop is bespoke training for those appointed as a company secretary of a single or multi-academy trust or supporting others who fulfil this role.

The following areas will be covered:

  • The legal structure of an academy trust
  • Members and directors in an academy trust – who are they and what are their respective roles? How are they admitted/appointed and removed?
  • Meetings and resolutions – what are the requirements for and purpose of members’ and directors’ meetings? When are members’ and directors’ resolutions needed and how are they passed?
  • Statutory registers for an academy trust – what is obligatory and what is good practice?
  • Articles of Association – what are the key issues of which the company secretary and directors need to be aware?
  • Academy Trust Handbook and Academy Trust Governance Guide – what are the key governance/administrative requirements in these documents of which the company secretary and directors need to be aware?
  • The opportunity for general questions

Why should I join?
Many people who are appointed as company secretaries for academy trusts have little or no experience in a company secretary role and may not know what is expected of them. This workshop is designed specifically for people in this situation.

In addition, there have been significant changes in company law and DfE/ESFA requirements over the past few years and this workshop will help established company secretaries stay up to date on administrative requirements. It is ideal for those already in the role, those who may assist the company secretary, or those who may be asked to fulfil the role in the future.

Who will be there?
The seminar will be led by Phil Watts and Esther Campsall from our education team who have been involved in establishing around 300 academies and 30 multi-academy trusts and providing ongoing governance advice to our academy clients.

Feedback from previous sessions

“This is the most useful course I’ve been to in a long time. It was clear, concise and a great use of my time. I didn’t lose interest once!”

 “Excellent review of the role and impact of a company secretary along with the wider context of MAT management”.

 “Probably the most informative course I have attended. Exactly the right level of detail”.

 “Extremely useful and has given me the knowledge to look at current practice and to get right the planning and preparation for my first AGM.”

 “This was an eye-opener for me and something I felt was relevant and of interest in my role”.

 “Straightforward talking and informative.”


Where can I contact the organiser with any questions?

Please email event.booking@anthonycollins.com and a member of our events team will be in touch.

Can I invite my colleagues to this event?

Feel free to forward an invitation to any of your colleagues you believe can benefit from attending.

I want to attend but can’t make the date, will you repeat this?

We hold this seminar on an annual basis so it is likely to be repeated around June 2025.

This virtual event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.